Forms Authentication In MVC
3/08/2019  View: 397
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Whenever we develop a web application three things are common there - Sign up, Sign in, and Log out. As part of this article, we are going to discuss the following things in detail.
  1. How to Sign up a new user into our application
  2. Implementing the User Login page.
  3. How to use the built-in Authorize Attribute
  4. Implementing the logout functionality
  5. How to use Forms Authentication in MVC application to achieve all the above points
I will discuss MVC application security in upcoming articles. Forms Authentication is available in System.Web.Security namespace. In order to implement the Forms Authentication in MVC application, we need to do the following three things.
  1. Set the Authentication mode as Forms in the web.config file
  2. We need to use FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie for login