Binding Android ListView with String Array using ArrayAdapter
6/08/2019  View: 406
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This is my first tutorial on Android, so I have decided to start with a simple example. Android ListView control is one of the most popular controls available to Android developers, and It can be used in many different forms and can be customized to suit almost every possible application requirement. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate you how you can bind a simple array of Strings with ListView. In my future tutorials, I will show you more advance scenarios and layouts that can be achieved using ListView.

Before, I start, I am assuming that you have installed Eclipse, configured your Android development environment along with ADT, and you know how to create and run a simple Android project.

Create a new Android project in Eclipse with MainActivity as your default Activity and main.xml as your default layout file. Declare a ListView control in your main.xml layout file as shown in the following code.